Congratulation on Dr. Pio Cloudio’s New Position

Pio’s virtual farewell party with his lab colleagues and friends from James Elder’s lab and Gunho Sohn’s lab

Dr. Pio Claudio joined the lab in September 2017 as a Postdoctoral Fellow. Since then, Pio has worked as a lead researcher in 3D augmented urban modelling for the Intelligent Urban Systems for Sustainable Urban Mobility (ISSUM). His research works are interdisciplinary across computer graphics, computer vision and geomatics engineering, co-supervised by Professors James Elder, Petros Faloutsos and Gunho Sohn. During the project period, his position was changed to Software Engineering for focusing on the development of the ISSUM Enterprise Platform since May 2020. Pio is a “key man” of the ISSUM project. Pio has contributed to the ISSUM, not only through his innovative engineering works but also by managing many undergraduate and graduate students. Pio decided to start his new exciting career at ESG Solutions as a software engineer. The ISSUM family will miss Pio very much and wish him all the best with his new adventure.

Dr. Pio Claudio’s photo