Tag Artificial Intelligence

3DMMAI: Utility Semantic Segmentation Network

Authors: Maryam Jameela, Gunho Sohn, Sunghwan Yon Department of Earth and Space Science and Engineering, York University Toronto, ON M3J 1P3 Canada The 3DMMAI pipeline includes several stages of post-data acquisition processing, and the significant step is the semantic segmentation…

3DMMAI: Semantic Segmentation

The next natural step of the pipeline for scene understanding and classification is semantic segmentation, which labels every point and pixel in the point cloud and image respectively of their enclosing object or region. There are multiple existing deep neural…

3DMMAI: Noise Filtering

The 3DMMAI pipeline includes several stages of post data acquisition processing, and the first significant step is noise filtering. LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) mounted with static and mobile vehicles has been rapidly adopted as a primary sensor for mapping…

3D Mobile Mapping AI Project

3D Mobile Mapping AI (3DMMAI) Project 3D Mobile Mapping AI Project is a collaborative large-scale research program supported by Teledyne Optec Inc and the NSERC Collaborative Research Development (CRD) Program. A total of $2.6M cash and in-kind contribution will be…